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IMDb removes rating breakdown, most importantly the top1000 voters, it is becoming harder to know which movies have biased reviews (looking at you India and Turkey)

I want to discuss something i have never seen discussed relating to IMDb movie ratings, and that is biased movie scores propped up by positive brigading that way outnumbers the accurate votes, i've noticed this happens mostly on movies from India and Turkey, i think it's purely a number thing, two movies i'd like to present as evidence:Hababam Sinifi and more recently The Kashmir Files these movies have a top1000 rating of around 6, very different from what their official score is,one way to know if a movie has a compromised biased score was to double check with the top1000 rating that used to be found when you clicked on the score and lead you to the rating breakdown, but now it doesn't someone that enjoys watching foregin films, losing this functionality really sucks, it forces me to avoid all turkish and indian movies until i am able to find an alternative solution, maybe missing out on actually good films from these countries, again i want to reiterate that these aren't the only movies with this issue, it's just so happens that it's the most common from these countries.anyone else ran into this problem? is there a solution? via /r/movies



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