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Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll

Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll Hello! This is my first attempt of creating, publishing and maintaining my own package. I have a blog with something around 4000 latex expressions. Client side rendering using latex was super slow and some phones did not render it properly. I tried some KaTeX plugins for server side rendering but they were painfully slow (on my laptop it took more than 5 min to build). So I decided to learn some ruby and create latex rendering plugin by my self. So I created jektex. Jektex is a Jekyll plugin for fast server side cached LaTeX rendering, with support for macros and is very configurable. Now I can render y entire blog in 2 seconds on same laptop. I will be very happy for any feedback or advice. Have a nice day November 29, 2022 at 12:07AM



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