
Showing posts from August, 2021

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What is the harshest way to hurt someone emotionally?

  I saw one comment listed 1.) Gaslighting, 2.) Betrayal, 3.) Physical abuse, 4.) Lying to somebody, and 5.) Silent treatment, and many others that say “forcing someone to love you,” or, “pretending to love someone, when you don't or making them believe you love them when you don't.” I have known mostly emotional abuse in my lifetime. I have been betrayed by the one I least expected to do so, Physically abused by those I never believed would, lied to, gaslighted, told I was loved without evidence, and given the silent treatment for yearlong periods. I have been confined to small spaces, made to harm myself, starved, and deprived of water, and otherwise degraded by those close to me. Of all the kinds of abuse I have suffered, though, none is worse than when someone treats you as though you don't exist. The silent treatment is by far the worst. You have only questions and no way to get answers, you have doubts and no way to relieve them; you have loneliness, and someone there

How do I motivate myself to study?

  1. ENJOY PREVIOUS SUCCESSES If you just had a very stressful phase in your studies, due to a recently passed exam marathon for example, it is quite understandable that you do not feel like jumping any further. Enjoy the feeling of achievement for previous good grades.  We should definitely celebrate ourselves and be proud of how far we have come already! When we become aware of previous successes, the motivation usually increases all by itself, because we can see that all the effort is actually worth it. 2. MOTIVATION BOARD: VISUALIZE GOALS AND SUCCESS If you internalize your goals and successes, it will help with your motivation as well. Always keep in mind what you have already achieved and where you want to go next. You can set up a personal “motivation board” for this, because repetition helps us memorize things better. Everything that you have already achieved and that you are proud of can be included. Your content may or may not be directly related to your goal. Success in spor

What examples should a good CEO show for his employees?

  1. Executive roundtable meetings or luncheons. Examples of this can include monthly "lunch and learns" or picking staff at random to have lunch with the president or another executive. Executives can choose two or three staff members who have a birthday during that month to attend a special lunch with them. These meetings, once implemented into the cultural fabric of the organization, help leaders personally know their employees and discover their employees' goals. They can find out what their employees are working toward. Are they trying to pay off debt or do they have a child they need to put through college? Helping define their purpose and become a driving force to help them succeed is a huge engagement booster. Another option is to have an open forum for anyone available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can limit it to the first 10 RSVPs and reserve a more intimate setting to accommodate this informal event, rather than a stuffy conference room. Here are so

What does it mean to be emotionally mature?

  First and foremost, You try to have a control over your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you.  You don’t over-promise when you are too happy, don’t shout when you are too angry, and don’t form instant opinions when you are triggered. You first say sorry if you accidentally shout at someone, instead of telling ‘Actually, I was stressed. You know day before yesterday, my ex-boyfriend was talking about sex-selective abortions and next day he went.. ‘ There is a lot of difference between justifying why you mistakenly showed anger with a long monologue and genuinely apologizing for the mistake you have done. You accept your fifth position in your best-friend’s priority list, rather expecting you to give you top priority always. People love whom they like the most and their priority order is based on that. You don’t say ‘Don’t worry, I am there for you. Call me anytime.’ and then tell later ‘Sorry, I am busy. I can’t do that now.’ You say beforehand politely ‘I can’t do m

What are the best ways of becoming an entrepreneur?

  1. Buy an existing business. One of the best ways to invest in a startup is to buy one that is already in business. When you buy an existing business, you can reduce your risk since the business model has already been proven. There are tons of ways you can buy existing businesses, including via a platform, such as  Flippa  and  BizBuySell . For example, Flippa offers a way for buyers and sellers to meet and conduct business sale transactions for websites. As one of the largest marketplaces for buying and selling online businesses, Flippa facilitates the buying process as an auction-style platform where you can bid on an ecommerce business. These businesses are typically established and already have the traffic and revenue to support a viable business that you can later develop and scale. BizBuySell offers a way for you to buy existing businesses but requires an application to join its membership. Whichever option you choose, just make sure to research the company, understand why the

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